Hydrosmart Blog

Salt water treatment systems.

Water Desalination Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction

Water Desalination Myths vs. Realities: Separating Fact from Fiction In a world where water scarcity is becoming increasingly prevalent, desalination is a crucial technology that provides fresh water from saltwater sources. However, amidst the growing interest in desalination, numerous myths and misconceptions have arisen. In this blog, Hydrosmart debunks some of the common myths surrounding…

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biofilm treatment.

Biofilm Treatment: Hydrosmart’s Innovative Solution in Aus

Biofilm Treatment: Hydrosmart’s Innovative Solution in Australia In water management, removing biofilm is a critical challenge. Biofilms, slimy layers formed by bacteria and other microorganisms, not only compromise water quality but also pose serious risks to equipment efficiency and longevity. Hydrosmart, an Australian pioneer in water conditioning solutions, introduces a game-changing approach to tackle this…

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ion exchange hard water

Applications of Ion Exchange in Water Softening in Australia

Ion exchange hard water conditioning is an incredibly effective way of balancing mineral content in water. The process essentially involves exchanging undesired ions, such as nitrate, sulphate and arsenic, with ions that have a similar charge. Hydrosmart supplies ion exchange hard water conditioners to domestic, commercial and industrial clients throughout Australia. Explore the benefits and…

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Pivot irrigation

Center Pivot Irrigation: The Cornerstone of Modern Agriculture

Pivot irrigation is an innovative technology helping to achieve new efficiencies in agriculture across Australia. This contemporary form of irrigation uses rotating equipment to efficiently and evenly distribute water across crop paddocks. This method helps to save more water whilst boosting crop productivity and yields. Discover how Hydrosmart is helping drive efficiencies in agriculture through…

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salt water treatment systems

From Salty to Safe: Exploring the Benefits of Salt Water Treatment

Water desalination involves removing salt and other impurities from saline water, including seawater, brackish water or bore water. This process makes Australian water usable for drinking, irrigation, livestock watering and other industrial or commercial processes. Salt water treatment systems range from reverse osmosis to multi-stage flash (MSF) distillation. Hydrosmart saltwater focuses on disrupting ion exchange in hard…

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anti corrosion system

Tackling Algae Troubles: Hydrosmart’s Algae Treatment Solutions in Australia

Algae growth is a common issue in poorly maintained water systems, extending from swimming pools to ponds, dams, rainwater tanks and other water storage infrastructure. Read on to learn how, issues using cutting-edge, chemical-free resonant frequency technology, Hydrosmart solutions combat the formation of algae and biofilm while limiting scale growth and water corrosion. How Hydrosmart…

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biofilm treatment

Biofilm Removal vs. Prevention: Choosing the Right Strategy

When it comes to combating biofilm, it’s essential to get a good grasp on the different options for removal and prevention. Hydrosmart offers innovative biofilm treatment solutions for domestic, commercial and industrial applications that limit bacterial growth without reliance on biocides. These solutions both remove biofilm and prevent future growth. Keep reading or contact us to learn…

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Centre Pivot Irrigation

Choosing Centre Pivot Irrigation or Standard Methods

Centre pivot irrigation systems are efficient, water-saving and highly effective in irrigating large areas evenly. However, they are prone to damage from bore water, which can cause corrosion, scale build-up and issues associated with salinity. So, should you choose pivot irrigation, or opt for standard methods to avoid these problems? At Hydrosmart, we think centre…

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Hard water systems

How Our Hard Water Systems Transformed Water Quality

With Hydrosmart hard water systems, water quality has been transformed for customers throughout Australia. Better water has benefits that are far more wide-reaching than you might imagine for domestic, industrial and commercial applications. Properly conditioned water is more hygienic, it prevents scale build-up in appliances, pipes and fixtures, it avoids the establishment of biofilm, and…

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Anti-Corrosion Solutions

Ensuring Food Safety with Anti-Corrosion Solutions

Companies in the food production industry must always be vigilant against corrosion in their equipment and facilities. Avoiding water corrosion is vital in maintaining high standards of food safety and product quality, and there are several ways that companies can prevent corrosion, including the use of the innovative Hydrosmart anti-corrosion system. Here we explore the…

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Water Conditioning

Water Conditioning for Efficient Mining in Australia

When using groundwater for mining operations, the problem of scale build-up in pipes and machinery becomes unavoidable. The solution lies in water conditioning, which helps to prevent scale build-up and avoid damage to your infrastructure. At Hydrosmart, our cutting-edge technology can be installed to deliver first-class mining water conditioning that will save you time and…

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centre pivot irrigation

Smart Technology in Centre Pivot Irrigation in Australia

Centre pivot irrigation is an efficient, sustainable method of crop irrigation. Able to irrigate large spaces of agricultural land with just a single piece of machinery, pivot irrigation is an excellent innovation. Large pieces of equipment require copious amounts of water as well as adequate water conditioning for scale removal, neutralising corrosion and infrastructure longevity.…

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What are Centre Pivots and How Do They Work? Australia

Hydrosmart is changing the agricultural industry. As a sector that requires copious volumes of water for several uses, quality water conditioning is non-negotiable. Our water conditioners provide sustainable and effective solutions for irrigation, livestock health and long-term crop yield. In this blog, we explore centre pivot irrigation and how it works. What is Pivot Irrigation?…

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Impact of Water Filtration and Softening on Your Health, AU

Water conditioning is utilised across industrial, agricultural and domestic sectors, providing several benefits for your water supply. Water conditioning can even benefit your health and wellbeing. With proper water filtration, you can see fast, tangible results in your everyday life. Every Australian household can benefit from a Hydrosmart water softener and see such improvements as…

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Importance of Anti-Corrosion Treatment for Water Systems, AU

Managing your hard water systems is easier with Hydrosmart. Amongst several problems waterways can face, water corrosion can be severe if left untreated. Water conditioning across all sectors is imperative to prevent corrosion, thus safeguarding your hard water systems. Hydrosmart’s anti corrosion system works to treat and prevent water corrosion using scientifically backed technology. In…

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Advanced Biofilm Removal Systems & Technology in Australia

Biofilm poses a threat to most hard water systems, across industrial, agricultural and even domestic sectors. Forming in moist conditions, water sources and infrastructure are common and easy places for biofilm to thrive. Without proper water conditioning, biofilm can be hazardous to human, livestock, and crop health. With a sustainable and preventative design, Hydrosmart provides…

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saltwater treatment systems

Quality Saltwater Treatment Systems Within Australia

Quality Saltwater Treatment Systems Within Australia Hydrosmart saltwater treatment systems are scientifically designed to provide premium water conditioning. With the use of computer programmed resonance frequencies, Hydrosmart is built to tackle water desalination, iron scale removal and mineralisation. Our technology works across all sectors from agricultural to domestic settings, providing visible results for your water…

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Highly Efficient Desalination Systems in Australia

Highly Efficient Desalination Systems in Australia One of Hydrosmart’s biggest and most successful features is treating water salinity and undertaking water desalination processes. Our resonance frequency technology excels in saltwater treatment, both sustainably and economically. Large amounts of salt in your water supplies are detrimental to both crop yield and livestock health, it can also…

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bore water softener

Durable Bore Water Treatment Systems Within Australia

Durable Bore Water Treatment Systems Within Australia Bore water is a crucial element in the functioning of agricultural settings. Bore water is used for several purposes including bore water irrigation, usage in gardens, for livestock and even drinking water. Large bore water stores often require steady upkeep and proper water treatment to ensure no harmful…

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anti corrosion

Effective Anti-Corrosion Water Systems in Australia

Effective Anti-Corrosion Water Systems in Australia Rust build-up and corrosion, adversely impacts water supply and infrastructure. When water stores and supplies become increasingly contaminated due to excess salinity and mineralisation, resulting corrosion can damage your infrastructure and compromise the safety of your water. In turn, this creates a ripple effect across crop growth, livestock health…

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iron scale removal

Effective Iron Build Up Removal Systems in Australia

Effective Iron Build Up Removal Systems in Australia Iron build-up is a common problem in water infrastructure. Large water supplies, such as bore water, are an essential requirement for many irrigation processes in agricultural settings. Due to bore water being stored underground, there is a higher chance of mineral contamination, resulting in iron scale. Hydrosmart…

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bore water irrigation

Effective Drought Preparation Systems in Australia

Effective Drought Preparation Systems in Australia Droughts provide tough conditions for all industries to function in. When these conditions set in, it can often make the ultimate difference when preparation methods are put into place. How can water treatment systems aid you during a drought? Hydrosmart’s scientifically developed technology is designed to support all sectors in optimising…

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Effective Bore Water Treatment Systems in Australia

Effective Bore Water Treatment Systems in Australia When it comes to supporting your cattle and their productivity, having a supply of adequate bore water is crucial. Hydrosmart bore water irrigation systems are a fantastic way to ensure your supply is properly treated and irrigated. Our products are designed to withstand large quantities of water, ensuring the…

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water desalination

Quality Water Purification Systems Within Australia

Quality Water Purification Systems Within Australia Hydrosmart hard water treatment takes water purification to the next level. An efficient, cost effective and easy to use product, it’s backed by science with no chemicals or filters required. Hydrosmart is a fully sustainable alternative to other expensive hard water treatment systems. With twenty years of experience developing…

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bore water treatment systems

Water Conditioning System Maintenance in Australia

Water Conditioning System Maintenance in Australia Hydrosmart bore water treatment systems are a cost effective and low maintenance option for water filtration. Compared to expensive reverse osmosis systems, Hydrosmart costs just twenty dollars a year to run effectively. Programmed with resonance frequencies that break down mineral and compound bonding, this process eliminates all need for…

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Hazard Prevention for Hydrosmart Products in Australia

Hazard Prevention for Hydrosmart Products in Australia Like any piece of technology, external hazards can cause potential harm to your Hydrosmart bore water treatment systems. To keep your hard water systems functioning properly, hazard prevention is a crucial aspect in the general upkeep of your Hydrosmart system. Becoming familiar with both external and internal factors…

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water conditioning

Water Conditioning Technology Installation in Australia

Water Conditioning Technology Installation in Australia High quality water supplies are crucial across all sectors, from agricultural irrigation, industrial mining, and domestic households. Ensuring that your large water sources are receiving proper water conditioning, water filtration and water desalination is crucial to their functionality. Hydrosmart water conditioning, unlike traditional methods, is designed to weaken and break…

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Effective Drought Preparation Systems in Australia

Effective Drought Preparation Systems in Australia Droughts provide tough conditions for all industries to function in. When these conditions set in, it can often make the ultimate difference when preparation methods are put into place. How can water treatment systems aid you during a drought? Hydrosmart’s scientifically developed technology is designed to support all sectors in optimising…

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water filtration

Efficient Water Conditioning Technology in Australia

Efficient Water Conditioning Technology in Australia Water filtration, water desalination and water softening processes all require an efficient water treatment system. Hydrosmart technology is scientifically designed to promote a high nutrient content, whilst combatting scale and biofilm. With computer generated resonance frequencies, bonds between minerals and charged compounds are weakened and dissolved in your water systems…

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water descaler

Hydrosmart’s Successful International Irrigation Trials

Hydrosmart’s Successful International Irrigation Trials Hydrosmart recently sent out fixtures and products to international agricultural sectors. Three separate countries with diverse climates and water quality issues were sent Hydrosmart systems in an effort to provide solutions. Each environment offered a different set of temperatures, mineral content and crop structure. With each client so far seeing…

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water conditioning

Quality Water Conditioning Systems with in Australia

Quality Water Conditioning Systems with in Australia Australian agricultural, mining, commercial and domestic sectors face a variety of water problems. Providing usable, sustainable and controlled water systems to the producers and consumers of Australia is crucial to the functionality of our economy and lifestyles, and Hydrosmart has been meeting these needs for over twenty years.…

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water descaler

Hydromax Hard Water Conditioner: Helping Australians Save

Hydromax Hard Water Conditioner: Helping Australians Save After twenty five years of dedicated production and research, Hydrosmart continues to be the leading water softening equipment supplier, helping to combat water obstacles whilst cutting costs Australian homes and businesses. With decades of expertise in solving Australia’s water quality problems, Hydrosmart has been trusted to deliver lasting…

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calcium scale removal

Sustainably Solving Drip Irrigation Issues in Australia

Sustainably Solving Drip Irrigation Issues in Australia Drip irrigation systems are convenient systems for agricultural and domestic sectors, with crops that require consistent, slow-release watering. These systems are often intricate, containing emitters that are quite small in diameter, sometimes only 0.2 to 2.0 millimetres. With untreated hard water running through these delicate irrigation systems, blockages…

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water conditioning

Which Hydrosmart Water Conditioning Solution to Choose?

Which Hydrosmart Water Conditioning Solution to Choose? Hydrosmart has become a leading water softening equipment supplier. Our fittings are an excellent way to improve the quality of your irrigation and water systems. Effective, Australian manufactured, purpose-made water conditioning products with twenty five years of trusted service to industrial, agricultural, and domestic sectors alike. Water systems…

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Australian Mining: Sustainably Overcome Water Obstacles

Australian Mining: Sustainably Overcome Water Obstacles Any mining operation within Australia requires quality, functioning water conditioning infrastructure. As a critical industry for the Australian economy, one of the biggest obstacles faced is water usage. Working water systems and how they are maintained can dictate productivity levels. Water management is critical at any mining site, with…

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water softening equipment supplier

How Hydrosmart Can Help You Save Water Sustainably

How Hydrosmart Can Help You Save Water Sustainably Hydrosmart’s water conditioning technology allows you to save thousands of litres of water, by aiding in sustainable scale removal, biofilm breakdown and hard water treatment. High water usage on a domestic or industrial scale can become extremely costly, especially when water systems are not monitored consistently or…

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water filtration

Hydrosmart’s Efficient and Effective Algae Treatment

Hydrosmart’s Efficient and Effective Algae Treatment Algae is an unwanted outcome of poorly maintained water networks. Without proper functioning water conditioning and biofilm treatment, algae will continue to grow and cause an array of problems both systematically and health-wise. Hydrosmart systems have solutions to combat the formation of algae in your water ways, by targeting…

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water from jug pouring into glass on wooden table outdoors

Nutrition Benefits of Calcium & Iron Scale Removal

Effective water conditioning treatment is about more than just improving water quality and protecting irrigation infrastructure. The minerals present in untreated water are highly beneficial to crops and turf and can improve plant growth, while also reducing overall input costs. As global supply chains continue their slow recovery after the pandemic, innovative Hydrosmart water treatment…

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Irrigation of rice fields using pump wells with the technique of pumping water from the ground to flow into the rice fields. The pumping station where water is pumped from a irrigation canal.

Improve Irrigation in The Heap-Leach Mining Process

The Heap-Leach mining industry is heavily dependent on quality water supply because compromised water quality negatively impacts productivity. The treatment of water can significantly drive-up operating costs, contending with scale removal, inconsistent water flow and the costs of chemicals to maintain irrigation systems. Fortunately, Hydrosmart’s revolutionary chemical free water treatment technology provides solutions to all…

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A person measuring the ORP of water . Oxidation-reduction potential

What Is Water Oxidation, Reduction & Electrolysis?

Modern water treatment techniques have evolved to meet the rising demand for cleaner, safer water in all aspects of Australian life. From industry and agriculture to local councils and residential spaces, the demand for quality water remains as high as ever. Oxidation-reduction and electrolysis are techniques which have proven their effectiveness in treating highly mineralised…

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Different types of animal feed for background.

How Science Can Improve Your Feed Conversion in SA

Here at Hydrosmart, we have years of experience providing innovative, scientific solutions for water treatment to Australia’s livestock industry. The importance of water to livestock management cannot be overstated, as this critical element determines the health and well-being of animals, and affects their feed conversion, which is a measure of the efficiency of livestock feed.…

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View of top part of water softener system

Magnetic Water Conditioners for Better Water Supply, from SA

Hydrosmart is an innovative water treatment system which utilises a simple, sustainable resonant frequency to guarantee customers high-quality water conditioning. It requires no chemicals, no filters and next to zero maintenance. Our products are manufactured in Australia and provide cutting edge solutions for saline and highly mineralised water problems. In this blog, Hydrosmart will discuss…

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Close-up of a man's hand fertilizing garlic with a special liquid in a garden bed in spring. Fertilizing the vegetable garden.

Fertiliser Prices Through the Roof?

Get More Out of Your Fertiliser with Hydrosmart in SA The crisis between Russia and Ukraine has led to major disruptions to the world’s supply chains. In particular, the cost of fertiliser has skyrocketed, leaving farmers in a position where they must risk lowering farm output, by reducing the amount of fertiliser they use. Hydrosmart’s…

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Closeup shot of a man pouring a glass of raw unfiltered drinking water from a kitchen tap

Iron in Your Water – Advantages and Disadvantages

Iron in Your Water – The Advantages and Disadvantages for Australians Water that has not been filtered contains a wide range of minerals including calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and iron. However, water that has a high concentration of these minerals can cause limescale deposits to form in pipes, equipment, and appliances. Using a Hydrosmart water…

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limescale in bathroom

Anti-Scaling Water Systems Provide Cleaner Water

Why Businesses Across Australia are Using Anti-Scaling Water Systems Right across Australia, businesses of all types are struggling to deal with the build-up of limescale and other negative consequences caused by having a hard water supply. Enterprises as diverse as restaurants, coffee shops, carpet cleaners, industrial factories and even vineyards all face difficulties associated with…

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Green grass on a golf field

What is Hard Water Conditioning?

What is Hard Water Conditioning? Why It Matters to Households in Australia Many households and businesses throughout Australia rely on hard water for cooking, cleaning, and washing. In simple terms, hard water is water that has a particularly high mineral content. To be classified as ‘hard’, water must have over 60 milligrams of minerals per…

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Hydrosmart increases boosted yields

DNA trials show Hydrosmart’s Australian-made water conditioning systems increases boosted yields, soil activity and growth outcomes in highly mineralised water. Water is a high-value asset to farmers – but its value depends on its quality. Substandard water can cause big problems for crops and stock, not to mention irrigation infrastructure. Anything that can improve the…

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Clare Valley Racing Club

Hello Tanya Bertelsmeier, (Club Secretary/Event Manager) RE: Clare Valley Racing Club, bore water leaving residue build up on outlets and sprinklers. Require a Hydrosmart to stop the calcium scale problems, and help with the Sodium Absorption from our bore water on the grass for the race course. Hydrosmart recommended the H80EO Hydrosmart Enhanced Output unit…

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Table Grapes – Dealing with high pH water

Cunnamulla QLD, TABLE GRAPE GROWER John Biggs. When asked by Paul from Hydrosmart what was grower John Biggs observation now, that he has used Hydrosmart over the past 6 years. On his Commercial Table Grape crops. John responded : “Even when water quality deteriorates (up to pH 9.8), the grapes grew well. Also a big…

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Nuriootpa Viticulture – Sodium adsorption

(SAR) The Sodium adsorption ratio in water is very important for good soil retention of moisture and plant growth. Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA) Nuriootpa Viticulture Experiment Station Mr Roger Maywald who is the current Centre Manager, has now used a Hydrosmart H80EO, on a bore that is supplying irrigated water to their vineyards.…

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The Coal Authority UK Sustainability Framework

Hydrosmart is being used by The Coal Authority UK, for analysing our water conditioning effectiveness, as part of the Authorities Sustainability Program. The Coal Authority UK’s test, will be to install the Hydrosmart, on a sample line that takes raw mine water, before the oxidation cascade. However, the mine water will have been exposed to…

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Cotton farm in Winnsboro, Louisiana USA

Pilot trial of 100mm Hydrosmart H100EO, on saline ground water supply, for cotton farm in Winnsboro, Louisiana USA Trial has been very successful, cotton normally has burned leaves where water gets on plants. But with 3000ppm salt plants stayed green and production was better. Cotton is a natural fibre grown on a plant related to…

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Wastewater is a valuable resource

Durban, South Africa, 22 March 2017– What if we were to consider the vast quantities of domestic, agricultural and industrial wastewater discharged into the environment everyday as a valuable resource rather than costly problem? This is the paradigm shift advocated in the United Nations World Water Development Report, Wastewater: the Untapped Resource, launched today in…

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Robe Hotel – Hard water issues

Robe Hotel in South Australia’s limestone coast is happy that some of the local hard water, limestone in their kitchen has been coming away, since using Hydrosmart on the water treating the hotels mains water feed. Chef Nathan Cheung sent this update photo of the kitchen’s oven rack showing the treated v untreated contrasts on…

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Hotel Dili Lda Timor-Leste

My business in Dili Timor Leste is running the oldest hotel in town called the Hotel Dili and now runs with the best water in town. Problems I was having several years back when I contacted Hydrosmart were scale in pipes, hard water, build up on toilets and cisterns. The ice machines had scale and…

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Pooley Wines - Salinity in Vineyard

Pooley Wines – Salinity in Vineyard

Hi Hydrosmart, here are some recent photos and some great news! We were presented with the Royal Agricultural Society of Tasmania 2012 Vineyard of the Year and Received the Richard Langdon perpetual trophy. As part of a category in the assessment of our application, sustainability, we were seen to be really innovative and had considered…

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