Coping with increased scarcity of water needs to be a priority concern for agricultural businesses, according to a recent report from the Australian National University.
The study, Global Water Issues and Insights, was released last month and outlines the growing importance of water regulations in countries within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
As water resources decline around the world, farmers and agribusiness owners need to remain aware. Clearly, the agricultural sector relies heavily on water resources to grow the food that is so important to sustaining the human population.
According to the OECD, it takes around 1,000 cubic metres of water to produce the amount of food an average person eats in one year. This figure does not take into account wasted food or the differences in diet between particular people.
For instance, a serious meat eater could require up to twenty times more water than someone who lives primarily off cereals and grains. This is because meat rearing requires feed to be converted into flesh – through consumption – as well as the water it takes to keep livestock thriving.
Around 85 per cent of water for agriculture across the globe comes from rain stored in the soil, with the rest accessed through irrigation. However, this figure is much different in Australia, with frequent droughts increase the reliance on alternative water solutions.
The OECD report forecasts that by 2025, 1.8 billion people globally will be living in regions with “absolute water scarcity”. Farmers and agricultural business owners in dry regions must therefore look for water solutions that do not rely on rain water and surface water.
Fortunately, this is where Hydrosmart water treatment technology comes in. Hydrosmart generates the resonance frequencies that efficiently combat scaling and salinity, and so help farmers to unlock the potential of water sources that were previously considered unusable. Not only can this water softening solution improve water resourcing, but trials have shown significant improvements in plant growth when Hydrosmart technology is installed.