Wine lovers and viticulturists around the world face a grim reality: Climate change and other environmental factors may be putting grape-growing regions at risk.
In fact, a 2012 study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America journal predicted that between 25 and 73 per cent of major wine-producing areas will no longer be suitable for the industry come 2050.
Of course, other places may open up as potentially suitable crop locations, but that’s little comfort to wine enthusiasts who have favourite labels often bearing the name of the region.
The report indicated that wineries are trying to maintain production in the face of environmental challenges in a variety of ways – including through increased water use both for irrigation and to cool grapes through mist systems.
However, these strategies may not prove sustainable over time, particularly since they can have an impact on freshwater conservation and may fall short when regions experience droughts or have suboptimal water sources. Furthermore, solutions must be eco-friendly themselves to avoid further fuelling the global warming trajectory.
Just think of Napa Valley – California’s famous vineyard region. With the state experiencing droughts for several years now, farmers have had to keep a close watch on their water usage and the health of their plants. Strategies to manage water and reduce consumption are critical for producing the same yield and high-quality grapes that transform into the fantastic beverage wine drinkers desire.
That’s why the National Academy of Sciences report emphasised the need for agricultural solutions that can assist growers with their needs in a sustainable manner. Hydrosmart’s groundbreaking water conditioning technology is a step in the right direction, helping growers optimise their water supply. While it improves the quality of water, making nutrients more bioavailable, Hydrosmart is low-energy and chemical-free – making it an environmentally friendly choice.
In January, Hydrosmart will attend a viticulture show in the United States, working with industry experts and business partners to show how our water treatment can lead to better agricultural outcomes.
After all, we all want to keep the wine flowing.